Sabtu, 19 November 2016

 My Karaoke

I love the song d'masiv titled DO NOT GIVE for the song ni teach us how important a sense of life. that "we as humans are never perfect, sometimes we have to be able to receive any deficiencies that exist in us and certainly never get a trial, because our lives will never always run smoothly.What we must do now is thankful for what the Lord has given this time, Because we are thankful we can feel the loveliest grace God has given to us. After that we have to undergo this life to do the best for our lives in the future, and always have confidence that we definitely we must always be grateful and believe that God always give the best to his servants, and we still have to be patient and do not despair when temptation comes. Because of the greatness and power nothing is impossible to realize our desire as long as we do not give up easily. because life is a gift that has been given by the Almighty. As long as we are always grateful and do not easily give up to achieve what we want

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